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Stop the EU fisheries in Western Sahara!

The EU is planning to enter a new unethical fisheries agreement with Morocco in 2013. 267 organisations and 16.189 individuals signed this letter to the European Parliament, 5 December 2013.
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Stop EU fisheries in Western Sahara!

To the European Parliament,

No state in the world has recognised the illegal Moroccan annexation of Western Sahara. However, the EU is from 2013 considering paying millions of Euros annually to the Government of Morocco to allow EU vessels to fish in the waters offshore the territory.

Morocco continues to refuse to cooperate with the decolonization process in Western Sahara, in defiance of more than 100 UN resolutions that insist on the Saharawi people's right to self-determination. Simultaneously, Moroccan authorities commit human rights violations against Sahrawis who voice their political views.

The UN special envoy to Western Sahara has specifically placed the management of natural resources on the negotiating table to find a peaceful solution to the conflict. In this context, cooperating with Morocco in exploiting Western Sahara’s natural resources undermines the UN’s peace efforts.

According to international law the natural resources in Western Sahara can only be exploited with regard to the wishes and interests of the people of the territory. Despite of this the EU is now planning to transfer European taxpayers’ money to the Government of Morocco for access to Western Saharan waters, without even consulting the Saharawi people. It was out of these concerns that the European Parliament stopped EU fisheries in Western Sahara in 2011.

We urge the European Union to put an immediate stop to the plans of renewing the EU fisheries agreement with Morocco for Western Saharan waters. We request the EU to work within the framework of international peace, and to support the UN’s efforts to negotiate a solution to the conflict.

The Saharawi people have the right to be heard. No further EU fisheries operations should take place in Western Sahara until a peaceful solution to the conflict has been found.

Yours sincerely,

The petition was closed on 5 December 2013. Download the letter here, together with a list of the organisations and individuals that signed.

The petition is closed for signing

The following individuals and organisations have signed the petition

Organisations (268):

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MRAP Vaucluse, France
Tomorrow Association of Human Rights, western sahara
Association Amis du Peuple du Sahara occidental Avignon, france
Association des Réfugiés Sahraouis en France, france
Bibliothèque interculturelle, Suisse
centre atlantique saharien des etudes stratégiques et de recherche sur le sahel et le sahara, sahara occidental
Plataforma de Acción Internacional por los presos saharauis de Gdeim Izik, Estado Español
ligue des étudiantes de Sahara occidental en france, spain
Saharawi Natural Resource Watch, Western Sahara
Bambini senza confini Onlus, Italia
Assoc. Ixnous, Italia
Unemployed Sahrawi Matser Holders, western sahara
Radikal Ungdom, Denmark
Equipe Media, Western Sahara
Asociación de Familiares de los presos y desaparecidos saharauis, Sahara Occidental

Individuals (6864):

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05.12.2013 : kahn nicole, France
05.12.2013 : clavie lekati, congo brazzaville
05.12.2013 : mahfuda mohamed, sahara occidental
05.12.2013 : Maurizio Ambrosanio, Italy
05.12.2013 : Mariam SM, western sahara
05.12.2013 : Khadijatou Sahara, Western Sahara
05.12.2013 : Mohamed Bachir, Sahara Occidental Territorios occupados
05.12.2013 : Zhra SAHARA, Sahara Occidental zone occupée
05.12.2013 : mohamed bhaya, sahara ossidental
04.12.2013 : Victoria Gómez, España
04.12.2013 : Salek elbaihi, France
04.12.2013 : EL baihi sidi, france
04.12.2013 : Petra Schunke, Deutschland
04.12.2013 : Giannis Halkias, Greece
04.12.2013 : sidati chkired, western sahara
04.12.2013 : Petra Hassan, Allemagne
04.12.2013 : moutik khadija, laayoune occupée de Sahara occidental
04.12.2013 : ahmed sidahmed, sahara occidental
04.12.2013 : kaf sami, madinate anfa al mohtala
04.12.2013 : Esther Climent Fernández, Spain
04.12.2013 : Piera Stangherlin, Italy
04.12.2013 : dena salek, llibya
04.12.2013 : mulay mohamed, españa
04.12.2013 : jellab slah, sahara occedintal
04.12.2013 : Daniel Galván, España
04.12.2013 : lahmad ahmed, sahara occedintal
04.12.2013 : hayan hamza, smara
04.12.2013 : echarafi mohamed, western sahara
04.12.2013 : ali jelab, Sahara occidental



The EU considers to pay Morocco to fish in occupied Western Sahara. An EU-Morocco Fisheries Agreement from 2013 would be both politically controversial and in violation of international law. The international Fish Elsewhere! campaign demands the EU to avoid such unethical operations, and go fishing somewhere else. No fishing in Western Sahara should take place until the conflict is solved.
عريضة لوقف النهب


يحضر الاتحاد الاوربي لإبرام اتفاق غير اخلاقي جديد للصيد البحري مع المغرب في سنة 2013.

مرة اخرى، يعتزم الاتحاد الاوربي الصيد في المياه الاقليمية للصحراء الغربية المحتلة في خرق سافر للقانون الدولي. وقع هذه العريضة للتنديد بذلك.

"EU fisheries in Western Sahara must be stopped"

Western Sahara human rights activist Aminatou Haidar hopes for increased attention to the EU plundering of occupied Western Sahara.


10.04 - 2012
Guardian: EU taking its over-fishing habits to west African waters?
15.12 - 2011
EU Observer: Morocco expels EU fishing boats
15.12 - 2011
BBC News: Morocco's fish fight: High stakes over Western Sahara
15.12 - 2011
European Voice: MEPs reject EU-Morocco fisheries pact
15.12 - 2011
Reuters: EU lawmakers reject Morocco fisheries pact

Human rights activist Malak Amidane denounces EU fisheries